Hello, Lovine.com

Wherever you go, there you are.

Month: September 2003

i don't even know where to begin. read the last entry. remember when i said i was expecting to get robbed or total the car? i should've knocked on wood.

two hours after i picked GP up from the airport, i parked our nissan patrol at an ajacent lot right next to chowking along quezon ave. we ate for a brisk 20 minutes, and walked back to the car. as i unlocked the car and opened my door, GP shouted "fuck!" and i had this split second snapshot of his face peering through the passenger window - or the absence of it. what the fuck?! why is the window down? what's he screaming about? i look down at the seat, and there was the window shattered in teeny bits of greenish blue glass, held together by a sheet of gray window tint. i was confused for another full second, and then gp started jumping up and down and cursing, and then i realized what happened. hey man, i've had a shitty week. and here comes my friend from the states, going out of his way to visit me in manila, and he gets jacked the first two hours he gets here. what a damn lousy predicament. he must think manila is such a ghetto and unsafe place. it is, but this is the first time this has ever happened to me.

casualties: gp's clothes, my cloves, and his passport. he's supposed to leave on monday for crying out loud. and here he is, losing a passport in the fucking mecca of red tape. lost passport = 15 days of processing. oh great. poor guy needs to show up for a second job interview, but he'll be stuck here for another two weeks. our days are spent diligently following up on paperwork and requirements, and the nights are spent drinking to forget about the problems, albeit the occasional expletives, injectives, and infinite wishings of bad karma at the bastard who broke my frikkin' car window and stole gio's passport. we'll all die eventually, but hopefully that bastard gets what he deserves.

tuesday nights at bagaberde :)what the hell is going on?!

last night, my digital camera fell from my table. the LCD is shattered from the inside. i've always been extremely careful with it, but for some reason it fell as i shuffled some things on my desk. i wasn't too happy, really. so that's it huh, take care of something and it just breaks on a whim. so i drove off to makati to have it fixed today and afterwards on the way to seattles best coffee where i was supposed to work on design stuff, the car i was driving died after two hours plowing through metro traffic. how convenient, eh? the cops come, and tell me that there's a new ordinance that makes it illegal to keep a stalled car in the middle of EDSA. great. they say i need to get it towed.

anyway, i didn't want to get into the nuances of their system. if i had it towed, i needed to cough up 1,500php (30usd, but thats a princely sum especially when you're unemployed budgeting on allowance). they didn't give me too much trouble though, cos this other guy who claimed to be working for the MMDA also was butting into their business. apparently the guy was drunk. so they "tow" my car 50 meters to the MMDA station underneath the overpass, and a mechanic comes to switch the dead battery. i gave them 600php for merienda.

you gotta love the philippines. what i don't understand is the string of badluck that's been hounding me lately. tomorrow i'm expecting to get shot, robbed, or total the car. but then again, GP the bastard is coming to visit me in manila. he has pictures of his trip from boracay. i guess that's my punishment later on during the day. *siigh*

my thinkpad's battery shorted out. it needs to be replaced ($$$). i'm terribly upset and annoyed beyond reason. well, i think its my fault to begin with anyway- i took the battery out for a few weeks cos i was worried that being constantly plugged would eventually kill it. lo and behold, i got the very thing i was trying to avoid! why does this shit happen?! and i'm pissed at those new centrino laptops.. 6 hours of battery life.. intergrated wireless.. *siigh*. we'll all forever be obsolete. what a sham!
hi, my name is lovine, and i think i'm blind.

i've just received word that albert, the asian doug, is rushing for ADG (alpha delta gamma). who the hell would've thunk!? the 5th year super senior taking up another major in accounting.. our very own chinny chinitos, rushing for ADG?! and i heard that everyone liked him. not that there's something wrong with people liking albert.. its just... weird. he's one damn peculiar character (and hence my friend). the world is just turning upside down, brah. you'll know if you knew albert. actually if i had another year at loyola, i would've totally rushed for ADG. that's whats disturbing about the whole thing. i've also wanted to get an accounting degree. is albert my idol? ... ah shiiit.

for some more normal developments, i heard that the rumors about andrea making out with her co-worker in the bathroom are apparently more than mere hearsay! cheers to the quest for truth, justice, and andrea's way of scoring boys!! yay!!

this is our dog amber :)i am in shock!! for the sake of curtailing gossip i shall omit the details so bear with me and my mysteries. but what's the point in having a blog if i can't talk about how i feel re: finding out that one of my friends is getting married?! i almost shat my pants!! i'm totally stoked, but what bothers me is what, have i been living under a rock?! am i in a fucking time-space-warp?! this is just plain strange. funny thing is, all of this was to be expected anyway. for some reason that's what makes it even more surprising!! all these major things going on under my nose yet outside my head! i don't know about these kinds of jack-in-the-boxes.. when the rug is pulled from underneath you, you end up banging your head against the floor and getting concussions and possibly head trauma. now if you see me confused lately, you'll understand.. but most probably you wouldn't. maybe everyone i know is just growing up except for me and peter pan. oh, and other immature boys like me :)

ich vermisse deutscheland! ich vermisse meine freunde nach deutscheland. tut mir leid, meine deutsche ist nicht so gut. ich versuche. ich hoffe daß besuche ich nach bonn, es ist macht spaß! trinken wir? es ist wichtig in leben daß wir machen spaß. prost! :D
for a split second, i thought to myself if i would be drinking beer ten years from now. would i stop drinking because it means different for me now than it would then? would i stop drinking because i have a different set of priorities, and different reasons for being? well, the second passed and i could still imagine drinking myself silly. but then again, thats just an image in my head. who knows what could happen.

shared a few beers with alexis. he's an interesting character. thank god for my metabolism.. i've accepted the fact that i'll never be fat. i'll always be stickly thin, whether you like it or not. cheers to that i guess :) and to random gym workouts and pilates balls :)

i attended a 3 hour seminar this morning for beasley water systems / BMG solar. now i can make a sales pitch on why its economical to use solar energy albeit the higher initial investment, and i can explain how the thermosyphon conduction principle works to circulate the water in the solar panels. mmm. interesting.

yesterday i had another interview for a small brokerage firm. the nature of the job is to seek clients who would invest a minimum of $10,000 (shiyet thats half a million pesos!), but instead of putting money into stocks, the money is traded on foreign exchange. i'm still not sure if i should take it up, but it seems interesting. i just want something that'll make me learn something about the market. maybe i'm just scared of starting to work. i'm such a pro-bono slacker bum extraordinaire. beer anyone?

in a quest to prepare myself for white collar sweatshopping, i went to kamuning the other day to get myself measured. nothing beats having your slacks and shirts tailor made for dirt-ass cheap prices. if you want to go shop for tela (textiles), let me know..

it was deutsche's 2nd death anniversary today (4th). i miss that bastard. i guess he just lives vicariously through us, and through the shady memories he left us. cheers to you buddy, wherever you are. anyway, i spent some time with joy whom i haven't seen since she's practically married to her damn thesis. computer science just does something to you that i don't want to understand. well we finally caught up, but instead of having our fortunes told, we ended up having cake and tea. she had sisig too, that's gross. sisig and tea? for the americans, sisig is cut up pig nose, ears, and other things you don't want to know on a sizzling plate. sorta like crunchy ground beef. its awesome with beer, you just need to have an open mind. its like eating cat. just open your mind, and be free. hahaha ;)

you'll probably make a mockery out of this one. yes, we are fans. yes, we think she's gorgeous. but honestly, we watch the band, not just barbie. in fact, the drummer wendell, mon and i spent some time reminiscing of the booming local 90's music scene. we were pissed cos we were too young to go out and discover the bands ourselves- thank god the radio flooded with indie music. i never would've known how important those days would be until i got older.. but at the same time i'm still too young to realize that these days are important as well. do i? uhh.. what?

i'm developing carpal tunnel syndrome because of friendster.com. add me! it's addicting to just click through the connections.. it's a small world, and its getting smaller. yikes.

i declined citibank's offer late last night. working overtime until 8pm everyday for minimal pay just isn't appealing. i felt this pang of reality, that this is my last summer. it's too early to whore myself, especially since i'm lucky enough to have the option of bumming a little longer. i have stuff to do, like grab my backpack, hop on a 12 hour bus ride, and take pictures of pagudpud and bora. life is too short, you have to do what you have to do.. when you can.

citibank called me this morning to schedule an interview.. tomorrow morning? are they crazy? idiot me wokeup with their 5pm phone call, just to give you an idea of how screwed up my biological clock is. since i was groggy and had no clue what was going on, i agreed. agh. i wonder how it'll go. i haven't done this in awhile; the last two interviews i had for internships ended miserably in an unemployed lovine. however, the biggest problem is that i have no clothes at all, i left my slacks and leather shoes in the states. goodness. thank god vic let me borrow his slacks, we're about the same size. hey i just thought, it would suck to have this problem in the states.. i can't even BUY clothes that fit!



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