Hello, Lovine.com

Wherever you go, there you are.

Month: August 2011

Did You Know?

Nickel was on TV yesterday!!!

Paul and Kat's New Band

A few clips from our gig last week at Mission Valley Montessori. Let's rock, kids!!

For All We Know

What a Wonderful World

Top of the World

Pride (In the Name of Love)

Three Little Birds

Pictures are here. We had a triple encore, and had a fabulous time. :)

Band name suggestions are welcome in the comments!

Steady Lang

There is no need to make things complicated. All you need to do, is go with the flow, try to be the best person that you can, and everything else follows.

Set your standards where they belong, and never compromise in what you've worked hard to believe in. Try not to sway to the side of stubbornness, and define your limits. To go through that process of understanding yourself, is the least you owe yourself, and would easily be the beacon during times of doubt. The simple philosophies of your life, the religion that you believe in, in the end, will define who you are. When we understand all that's important in our life, everything else follows. Steady lang.

Deal of the Week

Deal of the Week!

Welcome to Best Buy

Having a little too much fun on a giant-sized Android phone! Tablets got nothing on this!

Keeping Cool

Thermostats help you keep cool.

The problem was, it was too cool! Ever since I had the Shitzuki, the temp gauge would always hover below the midline and took forever to warm up the engine. Then a week ago, it started barfing coolant into the reservoir tank - so much that it inched its way past the 'max' line and eventually started spitting out of the reservoir bottle altogether. There were fears of a blown head gasket pushing the coolant out of the radiator, but the coolant looked clean, so hopefully it was a thermostat issue which would be an easier fix than open top-end surgery. So I took the thermostat housing off at work and found the culprit, stuck in the wide open position. Fifteen minutes later, everything is good and well. So far. I'll know for sure when I make my way back home.

Keep it cool, kids.

On the Record

Passport Application

Finally submitted my passport renewal application. The most important part of course is (trying) to look good on a government issued ID that's valid for 10 years. I was on the fence about cutting it but I decided to have big hair on the record until my passport expires when I turn 40.

Imagine? 40 with that smirk and a mop of hair. I wonder if I'll still look (and feel) the same after a decade.



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