harrowing ten hour day at work. and it doesn't seem like it's going to let up for the next week. now i celebrate impending catastrophe at jerry's deli, devouring a strawberry sundae, leeching off unsecured wireless internet from the neighbors in sherman oaks.
bizarre how we have these roles to fulfill, and even better is having the ability to question it. imagine - do animals ever question the complexity of their natural social structure? nature has it's own enforcers in place, and the rules are quite clear: either you are, or you aren't. not everyone can be the top dog, not everyone can play the role of the queen bee. and sooner or later, somebody gets eaten.
who decides who becomes a farmer, who decides who becomes a nerd like bill gates? and sooner or later, somebody has to pay their taxes. sooner or later, somebody has to pay for something. we have all these roles to fulfill, but in the case of a questioning mind, the world can be painted many a different shade depending on the stroke of the tongue, the direction of your logic. at what point, do we start complicating things that aren't really that complicated? when things aren't complicated or when you throw your arms up in surrender to succumb to the comforts of complacence, at what point have you denied yourself the truth? what is, the real value of the truth? perhaps it's also a leap of faith, to believe that there is one to begin with. or maybe, at the end of the day, the only truth is what we decide what can be, real.