Kat and I have been home for a few days, in anticipation for my friend Rudy's big day when he finally grows up.
Here he is at rehearsal. He needs more practice.
It is a well known fact that I do not possess any facial hair whatsoever, and as a once-in-a-lifetime experiment coinciding with our month-long exodus into the Alaskan wilderness, I stopped shaving for over a month. If you are curious - it looked like shit, and Kat had to add eyeliner to make it look slightly less reprehensible. Fortunately, the phenomenon was only experienced by my wife, siblings and Kathlyn. I went back to looking younger instantaneously by at least 5-10 years as soon as I shaved the 25 strands on my face. Goodbye, douchestache.
Thank goodness!!! :P
[…] my mustache is apparently 6 years old this month! Half a decade, folks. A wise man will one day tell you: You are the hair that […]