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Beering it up at Fairbanks

August 12, 2012

Enjoying a cold stout at the Silver Gulch Brewery, "America's Most Northern Brewery".

I could honestly get used to life on the road, living within the confines of a peculiar VW bus.  It's a really simple setup, and everything is within quick reach.  The great part is running out of data on a roaming network and having to rely on paper maps and books to figure out where to go. The best itineraries are always offered by locals when you stop to talk.  Nothing spoils real life like the Internet (and hordes of tourists).  Live simply, live fully.

We spend a lifetime accumulating so much material things, that we think are necessary to live our lives.  Yet precisely when we are at the moments of profound discovery and introspection, the depth of emotion is carried not by the magnitude nor multitude of our posessions, but by our humbling placement in this beautiful world, without them.

This entry was posted on Sunday, August 12th, 2012 at 8:16 pm and is filed under Ramblings, Travel.
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