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August 1, 2009

Hafa Adai! Was leeching off free WiFi for almost 4 hours at a local coffee shop here in Guam. I must say that broadband internet is starting to rachet up the basic commodity ladder required for survival. Can you imagine life with no intarwebz?

It's been a fairly productive Sunday afternoon though, as I draft emails and start picking up more ground on network diagrams and flow charts I've neglected over the year. While polishing off dinner I wondered if my productivity is a result of being in a different environment that lets me out of my comfort zone, and places me back to a more visible core path of meaning. But then I quickly realized that the increase in productivity is most probably attributed to having no internet access the rest of the day to distract me. They say that the simplest solution is the best answer. Unplug, simplify, get to the point. The world waits for no one - especially for the Jack of All Trades, Master of None.

This entry was posted on Saturday, August 1st, 2009 at 3:31 pm and is filed under Intarweb, Travel.
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