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Cetaceans are NOT Pets

April 3, 2012

I am a generally peaceful guy, but there are a few things that I find very bothersome. One of which, is the systematic exploitation of intelligent animals. To add salt to injury, this is done through seeding misinformation and exploiting the pockets of hard working families in the guise of conservation and education in a fun-filled family weekend.

Am I entertaining you enough?

I cannot fathom ANY educational merit to keeping these large magnificent animals in small holding pens and making them work for food. Are the sparse infographics scattered around the park enough to really impart any depth of knowledge to anyone who reads them? Does 98% of the guests who filter through the park depart with a greater respect and understanding of cetaceans? When they jump out of the water, do kids realize that these are highly sophisticated social animals that communicate in their own dialects, and swim hundreds of miles in the open sea? That their lives are greatly shortened in captivity? That some of them were taken forcefully from their parents in the wild? When a parent buys a plush Shamu ™ for her kids, all it does is cheapen their soul and commoditize our disrespect for the world in general.

Kat and I joined the rest of our family on an outing to SeaWorld, and expected the worst. She does not want me to disclose this, but she wept openly as soon as the orcas entered the waters of the show. I am never taking my children to a place like that. The only time I will be back, is to protest outside their gates and get handcuffed while wearing a Shamu outfit.

Teach children the truth, because that is the least that they deserve. Go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium instead - that's where real people go.

More information here:

  • http://www.savethewhales.org/captivity/
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captive_killer_whales#Dorsal_fin_collapse
  • http://theorcaproject.wordpress.com/2011/03/14/exclusive-interview-former-seaworld-trainer-samantha-berg-2/
  • http://theorcaproject.wordpress.com/2011/10/13/video-captivity-vs-wild/#more-3322
  • This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012 at 10:09 pm and is filed under Travel.
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