This morning, I finally completed installing the EMPI heavy duty sway bar on the bus. It was pretty straightforward, but it took me awhile to figure out and get the tools I needed (c-clamps) to get all the clamps back together.
To be honest, I forgot about them as soon as I pulled out of the driveway. I had already gotten used to the 'boat-y' handling characteristics of the bus, which after all is shaped like a breadloaf. But while I was cruising the highway several minutes later, I quickly noted how I didn't have to grip the wheel as a semi truck passed me - less buffeting from the wind. And when I took the curved exit ramp out of Sherman Way, I broke out into a smile. The bus seemed to hug the road and actually leaned into the turn, instead of feeling like we're all about to capsize and flip over. Vanessa, are you turning into a sports car? Pretty darn amazing, I can't believe I didn't do this upgrade sooner. She handles like a charm!
In a few hours, I'm taking her back up to the Bay Area. I need to sleep. Now.