Hello, Lovine.com

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August 14, 2006

two straight nights at the greek theater. it's my first time to see shows out there, and i'm very fond of the venue since it's not very big and somehow retains an intimate feel to it despite being an open air theater.

last night's ben harper was fantastic, as usual. he's a definite must-see on my list. i had the right words to describe it during several occasions that my coworkers didn't know who he was, but i'm too sleepy to elaborate.

i almost thought i wouldn't make it to tonight's death cab for cutie show (which was really good), since i spent a good portion of the morning roiling in bed over a sudden case of the stomach flu. i thought the tummy ache would go away when i hid under the covers last night, but i found myself very very sick at 5am and the hours thereafter. good thing i'm a bit better.

i have a meeting for work tomorrow to discuss my goals for the year. if they gave me a week off work, with no access to civilised amenities then i'll probably find the real answer for the coming year.

This entry was posted on Monday, August 14th, 2006 at 6:53 am and is filed under Uncategorized.
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5 comments on “”

  1. hi lovine!
    i know its not really your prob and you dont know me so wtf right? but i have to research on webite production for school and google keeps giving the the wrong sites. i wonder if you can help me with some basic questions? :)
    thank you!

  2. Wow! Must have been fun!

    Regarding your stomach flu, I agree with Joylet, so it's either kabag (dispepsia)or naimpacho ka lang. Or maybe you ate something that makes your stomach rumble and jumble, so you've got the stomach flu? Well, I hope you feel better right now.

  3. i don't think kabag nor impacho would account for me waking up in the middle of the night to throw up a couple of times, loose bowel movement, and being feverish the whole morning.. :P in any case i've gotten better... back to work, monkeys!

    j, whatsup?

  4. hey, thanks so much!
    what i need is the process of making and producing a website. should I send my questions to your e-mail add or something?
    lovine, thanks sooooo much!

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