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Category: Mobile

Home of The Great Pelehonuamea

I used to longingly touch photos of lava flows when I was between the ages of 7 and 9, and never in my wildest dreams would have thought I'd ever see this with my own eyes IRL. But what makes it even more special is that I get to share the dreams I had when I was 7, with my own 7 year old. What an incredible experience.

Maligayang Pasko

2021 5x7 Holiday Card Front

Maligayang Pasko, mga kaibigan.

Down by the River

Living in a van down by the river.

Living in a van down by the river. My thanks are due.

Red Hot Halloween

Happy Halloween from our 6-year old chili pepper @heymato 🌶️

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My idea of a five-star hotel is an old van with a billion-star view.

Dear Kat ️


There is no beauty in this world without its' mothers. Happy Birthday, to the strongest, sweetest, and most beautiful one that I know.

Love Your Volks
Gem and the Geminids

Gem and the Geminids
I love it how stars can really make you feel socially, physically, emotionally, metaphorically, philosophically, literally distant. Hoping that what prevent us from being better human beings can go ahead and explode up in earth's upper atmosphere at untold speed.

Better Than

Sometimes you prepare

Sometimes you prepare and think you have everything covered. Then you realize there's something that goes wrong, perhaps beyond your control but you are quick to blame yourself anyway for things you could have understood a little bit better. You're not as far as you wish you've gotten. You're not as fast as you hope to be going. It's not as smooth as the pavement that's laid out underneath you. But it's okay, because at the end of the day your heart is in a good place together with the animals you enjoy. The only thing better than an adventure, is one that's shared. Preferably in a VW bus.

Four Oh. ️
Woke up to a beautiful surprise this morning, but to be honest and woefully cliché, waking up everyday to a beautiful and loving family is more than I could possibly wish for.  While America likes us to define happiness as the accumulation of money and power, someone else said to be content with what you have - but I found out that the ticket is surrounding yourself with the people you really, really, really like. A lot. If only I looked as good IRL as their talents perceived me to be.  I really really really like you, @heymato, @kat.gopez, @heynickel. A lot. ️

Woke up to a beautiful surprise this morning, but to be honest and woefully cliché, waking up everyday to a beautiful and loving family is more than I could possibly wish for. While America likes us to define happiness as the accumulation of money and power, someone else said to be content with what you have - but I found out that the ticket is surrounding yourself with the people you really, really, really like. A lot. If only I looked as good IRL as their talents perceived me to be. I really really really like you, @heymato, @kat.gopez, @heynickel. A lot.

Hot Stars


It's like a low fire inside that burns really hot. Warmth hidden deep in an endless expanse of cold. Nurture and feed the flame, like the inside of millions of stars so far away..

Sweet Sixteen!!

The great gift is in teaching us how to say we love each other, without speaking. I can't thank you enough for all the times you remind us of what's important: to be together. And to take frequent pee pee breaks.

Love you everyday, my best man.

Live Fast, Drive Slow, Love Hard


Cheers to all the things, places, people and animals that make our lives truly worth living. Live fast, drive slow, and love hard!! Love you all day everyday, baby!!!

Black Friday

My favorite Black Friday

My favorite Black Friday is seeing in black and white. Away from people.

Happy Birthday Anthony Keidis

Happy Birthday #anthonykeidis from your smallest and hottest pepper fan @heymato #redhotchilipeppers. 🤙

Happy Birthday #anthonykeidis from your smallest and hottest pepper fan @heymato

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