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Category: Photo

Nickel and Brobee

Camera Underground

Canon Canonet QL17 Rangefinder

... he found that if you are stupid enough to bury a camera underground you won't be taking many pictures with it afterwards. Thus the story has no picture book for the period May 10, 1991 - January 7, 1992. But this is not important. It is the experiences, the memories, the great triumphant joy of living to the fullest extent in which real meaning is found. God it's great to be alive! Thank you. Thank you.

- Alexander Supertramp


Manila Clouds

Outside my window.

Dear Nickel


Because at the end of it all, it doesn't matter what you did, but what you felt. At the end of the day, you have to do what your heart says what's important. Because if you shut out all the noise that's tying to disrupt what's happening in the beat of your heart, then you would understand that it is the least you could do because it's what you deserve. To know what it means to be alive, to understand what your heart says it wants, and to know the difference, to know that the hardest thing you could do is to be alive. To do it. Is all what matters. To live. To love. To live.

Kathlyn and Dan

This is, officially, the best wedding I've ever had the privilege to be part of in my entire life.

Each day I wakeup, I thank the world for great friendships that continue to bless my life. I love you, Kathlyn and Dan. :)

365 Days

No Makeup Necessary

It is my bad dream that I will never really wake up from. A year ago, one of my dearest friends was ruthlessly murdered at his home along with his girlfriend, Nika. There is NOT ONE SINGLE DAY that I do not think about them.

Eggy mentioned to me once, that I find my happiness outside the shallow trivialities (and shallow acquaintances) that others tends to brood on. It stuck to me, and I continually try to crack open that puzzle of finding the hidden fires in my heart. I confided that while the both of us were working for the family business, it's incredibly refreshing to meet someone who plays no nonsense and understands what he wants, and goes out on a limb to pursue it. He will undoubtedly continue to inspire me, and many others blessed to have met him, until we are gone ourselves.

That was a picture at ABS-CBN I took before a taping I tagged along with. No makeup necessary, for a man as beautiful as you, Eggy. I'll see you someday. I love you and will miss you forever.

Stumbling in the Dark

Dreamt about a friend last night. I hugged him tight, and while patting my hands through his back I felt a rib that seemed to stick out, by his left shoulder blade. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, told him that I loved him. Then a wave of sadness washed over me and broke me into tears.


While everyone seems to run around like headless chickens in pursuit of frivolous shit, there are the few people whose hearts are made of gold trying to make this crazy world a better place. Everyday, I wake up from my dreams wondering if I have what it takes to live beyond my own, to give, to make the world proud. To create meaning, to find out what it really means to be alive, to pursue the horizon with a fiery passion, to live without abandon.

Each day, at a time.

To Make Believe

Highway CA-1

I feel like I need to live on the edge of my seat, to pursue that distant horizon without the trappings of complacency. A need to surround myself and absorb the energy of kindred spirits, to face with curiosity where others would acquiesce with fear. To find the strength to understand what it means to believe in something, to believe in anything.

I am happiest when I am spiritually exhausted. Crawling into bed as the sun is about to come up after a long night of monkeying with something - whether it's propped up by words, by music, by photos, by a gossamer of ideas. Anything that can stand on its own and I can look back and say hey, I made that. Even if it's nonsense.

The Decade

St. Petersburg

bigzupancic: and she still makes me feel like a kid with a schoolboy crush

Spend Everything

St. Petersburg

Spend money on what you need
Spend nothing on what you hate
Spend time on what you love
Spend everything to know who you are

My Favorite

Ms. Kat and our '79 Bus

Ms. Kat with our '79 Bus in Palo Alto, CA. :)


Congratulations Car and Gar :)

Pictures here: click.


Happy Water

World's largest private collection of unopened beer bottles.

Greetings from Denmark. We only spent a few hours here, and was only able to send one special postcard out. Kinda sucks, wish we were here for longer. The highlight of the day was pounding 4 straight glasses from the Carlsberg brewery. Doubt I'll get wi-fi on the other ports of call, so I think I'll cut this short, hop off the nerdery machine and go spend some time at the buffet. Oink!

Friday Nights at Home


Letters from the Postman


I will be out of the country for a few weeks with the rest of my family. We will be visiting some pretty interesting places, so if you like receiving random postcards post-marked from mysterious places, kindly let me know and leave a comment or email me your postal address at blog[at]lovine.com.

Everyone is welcome to participate, love is always free from Lovine.com :)

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