Hello, Lovine.com

Wherever you go, there you are.

Category: Photo

Pretty darn productive this weekend. Laid down the foundations and revamped Paul and Kat.com. Installed WordPress, that stuff is pretty powerful and slick! I might convert to a WP setup in the future and junk all this Blogger madness. I still need to debug against older browsers (i.e. I hate you IE 6.0), and start broadcasting our offerings of custom buttons and our upcoming 'Make Your Own Fan Club' shenanigan.

I also replaced Vanessa's valve cover gasket, to remedy the small leak on the passenger side valve cover. It was pretty exciting since it's the first time I've really opened anything of importance in the bus, even though it's just a simple gasket replacement.

Valve Cover

The mechanic used some yellow adhesive to afix the old gasket, which was an official PITA to remove. Took me some good elbow grease to get the mating surface clean and slathered on a thin coat of number 2 permatex gasket sealant to fix that puppy. While crawling under the bus my left shoulder started complaining, and I felt its weakness from last year's dislocation accident due to unwarranted hand-stand-walking in a parking lot. Ahh, the bragging rights you earn when you get old!

Spent many hours on VW forums the past few nights, to read up about Vanessa's intermittent smoke problem. My mechanic said it was being caused by all the crud on the heat exchangers, which was being burned off since hot air was now going through c/o of the alternator fan. He said it would eventually burn out, but I wanted to take matters into my own hands. I doused the right heat exchanger with Simple Green before dinner, but it seemed useless, so I came back with a toothbrush and some 409 degreaser - that stuff works wonders! Just a little dab and a scrub from the brush took out years of accumulated oil and grime, and I was kinda surprised it went down to the bare metal surface in some areas. I might add that twilight surgery is not very efficient, so I might do another session on a sunny day. Had I left that junk as is, there would have be no way for all that crap to burn out by itself. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, since the burning smoke made its way into the cabin through the heat vents and almost killed Peter Pan. Sayang.

Paul and Vanessa, April 2008. Photo by Kat :)


A belated thank you to those who attended the 27th Annual Tarzana BBQfest. Special thanks to Mike Kim for sharing his amazing KBBQ marinade, Pat and Pel's Chicken Inasal, and all the crazy kids from SF who made the trip down :) I am a happy cat! An old one :)

Cold Red Horse

Hope ya'll enjoyed the Red Horse :)

Your life is an illusion you can't fake, sort of like pretending but knowing the truth. Yes?

Zoom zoom zoom

:) Congratulations, Mikkel and Tippy Gutierrez!

Sleepy Nickel

Sleepy eyes rest on a tired smile
Trying to get out of the dizzying tumble
of a hamster wheel that answers no questions
Just an endless pitter patter
of stuff to do
Dues to pay
Things to consider
but it's really up to you,
to decide what to do.

I'm sleepy. Hopping on a plane soon, for a slew of work and other trips. Need to finish packing. I'll be doing six point-to-point legs on this trip. Sigh.

Brevior saltare cum deformibus mulieribus est vita.


You're a star!

It's been more than a year since we've decided to take Nickel in to live with us in Tarzana. It's been quite an adventure to say the least! He's gone camping in literally freezing conditions, caught bubble gum in his hair (c/o Lovell), engaged in very inappropriate makeout sessions in our garden while a crowd of 20 watched, ridden the Vespa numerous times with his Mama Kat, taken a few road trips back to San Francisco, pee-d on snow at Tahoe, poo-pooed in Baby Lara's playpen and made her eat it, and the list goes on... For his next adventure I think we'll have to cut off his balls.

Calling him my best friend would be an understatement.

Happy fourth birthday, you crazy little guy. :)

The Adventures of Nickel
The adventures of Nickel.

Around people's legs and cat's tails.
Sniffing about.

Watch your back!
The curious little boy goes places.

Golden Gate Bridge
And shares his portraits online
to put smiles on strangers' faces.

Come join my club

The Lonely Couch Club.

Baby Lara Nap Time

Baby Lara nap time! Photo by Kat :).

Tired Bus

Tired Bus.

Eagle Seagull


Eagle Seagull @ the Troubadour 032708. Very fun band from Nebraska! Definitely on the must-see-again list.

Nickel's rugged glamour shot
Nickel. :)

Denise and Nickel.



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