Hello, Lovine.com | Photo | 2008 | Death Valley
- Our first attempt to head out to the Racetrack Playa and meet the mystery rocks.
I rented a Canon 10-22mm super wide I love you lens, just for the occasion!
Kat and I had a delayed departure from glitzy Las Vegas, but somehow (!) managed to find our first rendezvous point in the middle of the dark through an unpaved dirt road. This was the first time we went offroad to camp, and I must say its infinitely more awesome than sticking to the paved roads and established campgrounds.
We eventually made our way to the Racetrack Playa, and the fun part was waking up in the butt crack of dawn to catch the rocks in their slumber. But before the sun could hit the sky from behind the mountains, a giant storm cloud blasted its way towards us and had to literally run for our lives while getting sandblasted by super strong winds. I wouldn't be surprised if the rocks actually moved as the wind and water pounded the playa. The wind shook our tent like nobody's business the rest of the morning, where we huddled for shelter and again humbled by the grandeur and power of world that we live in.